In Conversation Webinar Series: UNGC Principle 09: Environment

In Conversation Webinar Series: UNGC Principle 09: Environment

GCNP organized its 5th ‘In Conversation Webinar’ for the year 2023, under the theme of UNGC’s Principle 09: ‘ENVIRONMENT;
Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologieson May 16th, 2023.
It was our pleasure to welcome Mr. Haris Malik from WWF Pakistan and Ms. Nabila Faisal from Hinopak Motors Limited Pakistan to our In Conversation Webinar Series, and we greatly appreciated their generosity in sharing their valuable insights on the UNGC’s Principle 9; Environment, with us and the other participants.
Ms. Faisal conveyed her organization’s strong commitment to corporate social responsibility, highlighting their efforts to generate electricity for their plants based on actual needs, without any excess. She also discussed how Hinopak is actively involved in waste management techniques, not only to enhance its brand image but also to inspire others in the industry to follow suit.

Ms. Faisal emphasized the significance of fostering awareness within the organization, encouraging employees to take personal responsibility for environmental conservation and act accordingly. Additionally, she stressed the importance of educating suppliers and vendors on ways to reduce their carbon footprint without incurring additional costs, such as through recycling, minimizing logistics usage, managing hazardous waste, and reducing spillage, among other key concerns.
Mr. Malik emphasized the importance for businesses to extend their focus beyond profitability and actively consider social and environmental factors. He mentioned that the WWF defines sustainability based on the triple bottom line principles, emphasizing that businesses should focus not only on financial gains but also on fostering social responsibility among their workforce, stakeholders, and partners. Mr. Malik explained that the WWF supports organizations in this endeavor by collaborating with them through various means, such as providing grants and encouraging partnerships to adopt environmentally friendly practices.

He highlighted how his organization assists in implementing technologies like solar panels and adopting eco-friendly business practices to reduce carbon emissions. However, he acknowledged that these practices might initially involve significant costs, causing some organizations to hesitate. He emphasized that transitioning to sustainability is a long-term process and cannot be accomplished overnight. The aim is not to force organizations to prioritize the environment at the expense of their businesses but rather to encourage profitable operations while facilitating and funding cost-effective technologies through the WWF. It is important to ensure that projects are economically viable without compromising their quality.

Start Time

2:30 pm

May 16, 2023

Finish Time

3:30 pm

May 16, 2023

Event Participants

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