Business Talk SDGs Meeting with Artistic Milliners

Global Compact Network Pakistan Commended Artistic Milliner’s Achievements in Aligning their Business Practices with SDGs
(Karachi-31st January 2023) UN Global Compact Network Pakistan (UN GCNP) organized Business Talk SDGs Meeting on elevating ambition for greater collective action on the sustainable development goals which was hosted by Artistic Milliner. Entrepreneurs, stakeholders and representatives from various organizations learned about SDGs, their targets and how they can embed them in their normal business practices to achieve the Global 2030 Agenda. The agenda focused on shaping and empowering businesses to be competitive in a global market.
Mr. Majyd Aziz, President UN GCNP, who was the Chief Guest, appreciated the initiatives of Artistic Milliners and called upon the private sector to join the Network in promoting UNGC principles and SDGs. He added that there is a need to improve efforts, effectiveness and drive to achieve SDG. He said that there is an imperative need to create a more predictable and dynamic architecture so that businesses are at a vantage position. He advised businesses to sincerely pledge to attain SDG at enterprise level.
Majyd Aziz also said that enterprises must align their corporate strategy will all 17 SDGs. He further advised that enterprises must invest in green technology, renewable energy, and green TVET.
Mr. Fasihul Karim Siddiqi, Executive Director UN GCNP in his opening remarks thanked Artistic Milliners for hosting the meeting andappreciated it for promoting its extraordinary commitment to SDGs. He was very optimistic about the implementation of Vision 2030 by Artistic Milliners. He also urged the need for collaborative efforts between organizations to achieve the 2030 SDG Agenda.
“We are thought leaders when it comes to Sustainability, Diversity and Women Empowerment in the industry. Climate change and the devastation it causes matter to our country and our businesses as well. The business case for action is clear. Achieving this goal by 2030 will reap many benefits, including a lower operational cost, greater resilience in terms of energy supply and a closer relationship with customers. Minimizing our environmental impact while continuing to grow the business is our core focus of work.” Ms. Mehak Masood, Head of Sustainability and ESG Artistic Milliners said in her presentation.
In a discussion on Artistic Milliners Responsible Projects and Sustainability Initiatives, Mr. Saqib Sohail, Responsible Business Projects Lead, briefed that the company supports farmers to switch to organic cotton farming methods to introduce innovation and ingenuity in the farming communities. We connect all players of the supply chain to map our product’s journey from farm to fashion with block-chain enabled traceability.
Ms. Nuzhat Jahan, Secretary General of the UN-GCNP moderated a panel discussion in which Mr. FK Siddiqi, Executive Director GCNP, Mr. Syed Nawab, Group General Manager Artistic Milliners, Ms. Mehak Masood, Head of Sustainability and ESG Artistic Milliners and Ms. Rameen Nadeem Iqbal, Senior Marketing Associate from Data Science Dojo as panelists. Mr. Syed Nawab highlighted the company’s initiatives on capacity building of workers and induction of female workers to remain commercially viable while being sustainable.
Mr. Fasihul Karim Siddiqi said he sees a greener and more socially and environmentally responsible Pakistan in future. He added that UN-GCNP serves as a sustainability outreach and engagement hub for those in the business enterprises who want to start their sustainability journey or to accelerate it. It provides companies access to sustainability initiatives, SDG baseline assessments, accelerator programmes and the opportunity to showcase their progress and achievements .